CouchAdmin class

Please read this first !!

The CouchAdmin class is only needed to manage users of a CouchDB server : add users, add admins, ...

You don’t need the CouchAdmin class to connect to CouchDB with a login / password. You only need to add your login and password to the DSN argument when creating your CouchDB client :

$client = new CouchClient ("","mydatabase");

Managing CouchDB users

CouchDB rights management is really complex. This page can really help to understand how security is implemented in couchDB.

The CouchAdmin class contains helpful methods to create admins, users, and associate users to databases.


use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
// Here my couchDB is in "admin party" mode (no user, no admin defined)
// I create an "anonymous" connector to the database
$client = new CouchClient ("http://localhost:5984/","mydb" );
// I then create an instance of the couchAdmin class, passing the couchClient as a parameter
$anonymous_adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

// I create the first admin user
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage());

// now my database is not in "admin party" anymore.
// To continue Administration I need to setup an authenticated connector
$admclient = new CouchClient ("http://superAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/", "mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($admclient);

// create a regular (no superadmin) user)
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to create regular user: ".$e->getMessage());

// set "joe" as admin of the database "mydb"
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add joe to the admins list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage());

// Oh no I missed up remove "joe" from database "mydb" admins
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove joe from the admins list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage());

// and add it to the members group of database "mydb"
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add joe to the members list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage());

// well... get the list of users belonging to the "members" group of "mydb"
$users = $adm->getDatabaseMemberUsers();  // array ( "joe" )

Getting started

class PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin

The class that helps managing permissions, users and admins.

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::__construct(CouchClient $client, $options = array())

The CouchAdmin class constructor takes 2 parameters : a couchClient object and an array of configuration options.

Params CouchClient $client:

The CouchClient instance created with enough permissions to perform the administrative tasks.

Params array $options:

The options that can be passed to the CouchInstance and CouchAdmin. Here are the specific options for CouchAdmin :

  • users_database : The user database to use (overwrite the default _users)
  • node : The node to use for the configuration. If it’s not defined, the first node of the cluster_nodes will be taken.

Example :

// create a CouchClient instance
$client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984/","mydb");
// now create the CouchAdmin instance
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);
// here $adm will connect to CouchDB without any credentials : that will only work if there is no administrator created yet on the server.

Admin party

On a fresh install, CouchDB is in admin party mode : that means any operation (create / delete databases, store documents and design documents) can be performed without any authentication.

Below is an example to configure the first server administrator, that we will name couchAdmin with the password secretpass :

// create an anonymous couchClient connection (no user/pass)
$client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984/","mydb");
// now create the couchAdmin instance
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);
//create the server administrator
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die ("Can't create server administrator : ".$e->getMessage());

Now that the couch server got a server administrator, it’s not in “admin party” mode anymore : we can’t create a second server administrator using the same, anonymous couchClient instance. We need to create a couchClient instance with the credentials of couchAdmin.

// create a server administrator couchClient connection
$client = new CouchClient("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb");
// now create the CouchAdmin instance
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

Create users and admins

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::createAdmin($login, $password, $roles = array())

Creates a CouchDB server administrator. A server administrator can do everything on a CouchDB server.

Params string $login:
 The login of the new admin
Params string $password:
 The raw password for the new admin.
Params array $roles:
 The roles that will have this admin.

Example :

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

// Create an admin user
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage());

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::createUser($login, $password, $roles = array())

Creates a CouchDB user and returns it.

Params string $login:
 The login of the new user
Params string $password:
 The raw password for the new user.
Params array $roles:
 The roles that will have this user.

Example :

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

// Create a user
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to create user: ".$e->getMessage());

Example with roles

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

$roles = array ("thief","jailbreaker");

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to create user: ".$e->getMessage());


The method returns the user document stored in the users database of the CouchDB server.

Params string $login:
 The username of the user to find.
Returns:The user if found. Otherwise, a CouchNotFoundException will be thrown.

Example :

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

// get a user
try {
    $joe = $adm->getUser("joe");
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) {
        echo "User joe does not exist.";
    } else {
        die("unable to get user: ".$e->getMessage());


The method returns the list of all users registered in the users database of the CouchDB server.


This method calls a view, so you can use the view query options !

Returns:An array of users found in the database.

Example :

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

// get all users
try {
    $all = $adm->getAllUsers();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to get users: ".$e->getMessage());

/** will print something like
Array (
    stdClass (
        "id" => "_design/_auth",
        "key" => "_design/_auth",
        "value" => stdClass (
                        "rev" => "1-54a591939c91922a35efee07eb2c3a72"
    stdClass (
        "id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack",
        "key" => "org.couchdb.user:jack",
        "value" => stdClass (
                         "rev" => "1-3e4dd4a7c5a9d422f8379f059fcfce98"
    stdClass (
        "id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe",
        "key" => "org.couchdb.user:joe",
        "value" => stdClass (
                         "rev" => "1-9456a56f060799567ec4560fccf34534"

Example - including user documents and not showing the design documents

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    $all = $adm->include_docs(true)->startkey("org.couchdb.user:")->getAllUsers();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to get users: ".$e->getMessage());

/** will print something like
Array (
    stdClass (
        "id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack",
        "key" => "org.couchdb.user:jack",
        "value" => stdClass (
                         "rev" => "1-3e4dd4a7c5a9d422f8379f059fcfce98"
        "doc" => stdClass ( "_id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", ... )
    stdClass (
        "id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe",
        "key" => "org.couchdb.user:joe",
        "value" => stdClass (
                         "rev" => "1-9456a56f060799567ec4560fccf34534"
        "doc" => stdClass ( "_id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", ... )

Removing users


This only works with CouchDB starting at version 1.0.1


This permanently removes the admin $login.

Params string $login:

The username of the admin to delete.

Returns string:

Returns the hash of the password before it got removed.

Example : -hashed-0c796d26c439bec7445663c2c2a18933858a8fbb,f3ada55b560c7ca77e5a5cdf61d40e1a

Example : creating and immediately removing a server administrator

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

$adminLogin = "butterfly";
$adminPass = "wing";
try {
    $ok = $adm->createAdmin($adminLogin, $adminPass);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage());
// here "butterfly" admin exists and can login to couchDB to manage the server

// now we remove it
try {
    $ok = $adm->deleteAdmin($adminLogin);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die("unable to delete admin user: ".$e->getMessage());
// here "butterfly" admin does not exist anymore


This method permanently removes the user $login.

Params string $login:
 The login of the user to delete.

Example : removing a server user

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new couchAdmin($client);

try {
    $ok = $adm->deleteUser("joe");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die("unable to delete user: ".$e->getMessage());

/** will print something like :
stdClass Object
    [ok] => 1
    [id] => org.couchdb.user:joe
    [rev] => 6-415784680cff486e2d0144ed39da2431

Roles assignation

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::addRoleToUser($user, $role)

This method adds the role $role to the list of roles user $user belongs to. $user can be a PHP stdClass representing a CouchDB user object (as returned by getUser() method), or a user login.

Params string|stdClass $user:
 The username of the user to edit or the User object returned by CouchAdmin::getUser() for example.
Params string $role:
 The role to add to the specified user.

Example : adding the role cowboy to user joe

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add a role to user: ".$e->getMessage());
echo "Joe now got role cowboy";

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::removeRoleFromUser($user, $role)

This method removes the role $role from the list of roles user $user belongs to. $user can be a PHP stdClass representing a CouchDB user object (as returned by getUser() method), or a user login.

Params string|stdClass $user:
 The username of the user to edit or the User object returned by CouchAdmin::getUser() for example.
Params string $role:
 The role to remove to the specified user.

Example : removing the role cowboy of user joe

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove a role of a user: ".$e->getMessage());
echo "Joe don't belongs to the cowboy role anymore";

PHPOnCouch\CouchAdmin::setRolesToUser($user, array $roles =[])

This method let you set the roles for the selected user. A $user can either be the username of the user or a user object containing an _id and a roles property.

Example of usage :

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    echo "Joe has now the tester and developer roles.";
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove a role of a user: ".$e->getMessage());

Database user security

CouchDB databases got two types of privileged users : the members, that can read all documents, and only write normal (non-design) documents. The admins got all privileges of the members, and they also can write design documents, use temporary views, add and remove members and admins of the database. The CouchDB wiki gives all details regarding rights management.


This method adds a user in the members list of the database.

Params string $login:
 The user to add to the member list of the current database

Example - adding joe to the members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add user: ".$e->getMessage());


Adds a user in the admins list of the database.

params string $login:
 The user to add to the admin list of the current database

Example - adding joe to the admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add user: ".$e->getMessage());


Returns the list of users belonging to the members of the database.

Returns:An array of usernames that belong to the member list of this database.

Example - getting all users beeing members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    $users = $adm->getDatabaseMemberUsers();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to list users: ".$e->getMessage());
// will echo something like: Array ( "joe" , "jack" )


Returns the list of users belonging to the admins of the database.

Returns:An array of usernames that belong to the admin list of this database.

Example - getting all users beeing admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    $users = $adm->getDatabaseAdminUsers();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to list users: ".$e->getMessage());
// will echo something like: Array ( "william" )


Removes a user from the members list of the database.

Params string $login:
 Remove the database username from the database member list.

Example - removing joe from the members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove user: ".$e->getMessage());


Removes a user from the admins list of the database.

Params string $login:
 Remove the database username from the database admin list.

Example - removing joe from the admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove user: ".$e->getMessage());

Database roles security

Just like users, roles can be assigned as admins or members in a CouchDB database. The CouchDB wiki gives all details regarding rights management.


Adds a role in the members list of the database.

Params string $role:
 The role to add to the member role list of the current database.

Example - adding cowboy to the members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add role: ".$e->getMessage());


Adds a role in the admins list of the database.

Params string $role:
 The role to add to the admin role list of the current database.

Example - adding cowboy role to the admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to add role: ".$e->getMessage());


Returns the list of roles belonging to the members of the database.

Returns:An array of roles belonging to the member section of the current database.

Example - getting all roles beeing members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    $roles = $adm->getDatabaseMemberRoles();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to list roles: ".$e->getMessage());
// will echo something like: Array ( "cowboy" , "indians" )


Returns the list of roles belonging to the admins of the database.

Returns:An array of roles belonging to the admin section of the current database.

Example - getting all roles beeing admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
    $roles = $adm->getDatabaseAdminRoles();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to list roles: ".$e->getMessage());
// will echo something like: Array ( "martians" )


Removes a role from the members list of the database.

Params string $role:
 The role to remove from the database member role list.

Example - removing cowboy from the members of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove role: ".$e->getMessage());


Removes a role from the admins list of the database.

Params string $role:
 The role to remove from the database admin role list.

Example - removing martians from the admins of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to remove role: ".$e->getMessage());

Accessing Database security object

Each Couch database got a security object. The security object is made like :

    "admins" : {
        "names" : ["joe", "phil"],
        "roles" : ["boss"]
    "members" : {
        "names" : ["dave"],
        "roles" : ["producer", "consumer"]

PHP on Couch provides methods to directly get and set the security object.

Returns:Returns the security object of a CouchDB database.

Example - getting the security object of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new couchAdmin($client);

try {
    $security = $adm->getSecurity();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to get security object: ".$e->getMessage());


Set the security object of a Couch database

Params stdClass $security:
 The security object to set to the current database.

Example - setting the security object of the database mydb

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client);

try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die("unable to set security object: ".$e->getMessage());


Set an alternate name for the users database on an already created couchAdmin instance.

Params string $name:
 The name of the custom database to us to store users.

Returns:Return the name that is used actually to connect to the users database.

Database options

CouchDB got a special database used to store users. By default this database is called _users, but this can be changed.

CouchAdmin users_database

To create a CouchAdmin instance and specify the name of the users database, use the constructor second parameter $options, setting the option users_database:

Example - setting the couchdb users database name on couchAdmin object creation

use PHPOnCouch\Couch,
$client = new CouchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" );
$adm = new CouchAdmin($client, array ("users_database"=> "theUsers") );

You can also manipulate directly the CouchAdmin with the following methods : CouchAdmin::setUserDatabase and CouchAdmin::getUserDatabase.